
请从以下表格中选择. 如果您选择了错误的表单, 我们会确保把信息送到正确的办公室.

This form is for faculty members to submit alleged incidents of academic misconduct only.
用这个表格来报告某人感到被轻视的行为, 得不到尊重, 或者根据他们的身份被隔离, 哪些行为没有上升到骚扰的程度. Reporting here allows GVSU to provide support for the impacted party/parties and education to the campus community in a non-punitive manner that affirms 自由 of expression.
请使用此表格举报歧视, 骚扰, 以及基于任何受保护特征的不当行为, 包括年龄(40岁及以上), Color, 残疾(身体或精神上的), 种族, 家庭状况(包括父母身份), 性别表达, 性别认同, 高度, 婚姻状况, 国籍(包括祖籍), 政治面貌, 怀孕或相关情况, 比赛, 宗教, 性, 性取向, Veteran or active-duty military status (including disabled veteran; recently separated veteran; active-duty, 战时, or campaign badge veteran; and Armed Forces Service Medal veteran), 和重量.
This form is for reporting non-academic student conduct matters to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.
The CARE referral form is intended to report concern for a faculty or 工作人员 member. This report is sent to the Director of HR Strategic Business Partners during normal business hours and is not monitored after hours, 在周末, 或者在大学的官方假期.

Form submissions are reviewed and referrals are managed by designated members of the HR Business Partner team - Deb Sanders, 克里斯新郎, 克里斯汀·埃文斯.

If you have an immediate concern about the health or safety of a GVSU student or employee, 请拨打911.

If you have questions about this form, please contact your HR Business Partner.
This form is to be used by employees who believe they are experiencing retaliation based on their reporting, 真诚地, 违反法律的行为, 规章制度或大学政策, 或为那些作过见证的人, 协助或参与调查程序或听证, 还有那些要求住宿的人, assistance or leave of absence and believe they are being retaliated again.
报复包括, 但并不局限于惩罚, 受害, 恐吓, adverse action against an employee regarding the terms and conditions of employment, 比如终止,
An employee who is experiencing retaliation should consult with the Non-Retaliation Policy as well as other relevant University policies and procedures. The University encourages the informal resolution of differences whenever possible but recognizes that doing so is not always possible or appropriate. Employees are responsible and encouraged to attempt to address concerns with another colleague directly or by talking with that individual’s supervisor before engaging in formal processes.
投诉包括, 但不限于, 任何与日程安排有关的问题, 位置, 报酬, 纪律处分, 终止, 或第4节定义的学术自由.3.4A.

A complaint is defined as an issue that is not an appropriate subject for a grievance as defined in Section 4.2.第16条或第2条所涵盖的事项.13.4. Complaints include, but are not limited to, scheduling, 位置, and 报酬.

纪律处分, 终止s, implementation of reduction in force, or academic
自由. If the issue involves the denial of promotion, contract renewal and/or tenure,
这被定义为上诉和第4节中概述的程序.2.13.4 .应为
之后. 所有其他问题都被定义为投诉,并将遵循程序
员工行为标准政策政策声明SLT 3.3

作为一个学术团体的成员, faculty and 工作人员 have a responsibility to abide by ethical principles regarding academic 自由, 知识的完整性, 以及公平和尊重地对待他人. The standards contained in this Standards of Conduct for Employees Policy reflect these principles.

A violation of this policy occurs when an individual negatively impacts colleagues in the workplace environment by failing to uphold these standards. 当一个人的行为与这些标准不同步时, the University may address and remediate this behavior through alternative resolution practices and/or other appropriate disciplinary measures up to and including 终止 of employment.
No part of this policy is intended to supersede other university policies or federal, 状态, 或当地的法律法规. Violations of this policy may be addressed in parallel with violations of other policies or laws as applicable.

知识:大学社区的成员重视真理, 对真理的追求, 求知欲, 以及学术自由. Our faculty and 工作人员 seek to create new knowledge and are committed to sharing ideas, research findings and the products of intellectual and creative pursuits with the broader community.

Honesty: Members of the University community are truthful and sincere in their words and actions and do not intentionally mislead others or provide inaccurate information.
Integrity: Members of the University community treat everyone with dignity and respect and take responsibility for their own mistakes. We are driven to be accountable to ourselves 和其他人 as a core competency of all employees. 这包括言行一致.

Respect: Members of the University community seek to foster a spirit of civility and collegiality through open and honest communication. The University honors and respects individuality and demonstrates tolerance for the personal beliefs and cultural differences of all individuals. 我们努力保护所有员工的健康、安全和福祉. We protect private and confidential information that is related to our faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 和其他人. 我们重视没有粗鲁行为的环境, 不尊重, 骚扰, 恐吓, 欺凌, 和暴力.

Professionalism: Members of the University community expect that the professional standards and requirements that are applicable to academic and other professions comprising our community will be 之后. We are responsible and accountable for our actions and are expected to make reasonable efforts to comply with all applicable federal, 状态, 以及当地政府的法律法规. 无论是个人还是机构, we also strive to follow ethical business practices and to act as good stewards of the resources made available to us.

This policy requires a good faith commitment to accuracy and integrity in information shared within our community, 特别是当它构成正式调查或行动的基础时. Maintaining these standards is essential for the integrity of this policy and procedures and ensuring a cohesive and productive academic and work environment.